This Week

These past two weeks. Damn. I haven’t been able to read, think, and talk about the asylum-seeking families. And when I haven’t been tweeting incessantly, I’ve been living my life…

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The Summer Edit – 2018

Spring was a blip. Hence, summer. Here are the 20 things I’m loving this season, from the dress I own in 3 colors to the wipes that are in every…

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This Week

Miss me? I missed you, for sure. I wish I had exciting updates to report. But aside from our Stockholm trip (a last minute adventure thanks to my husband’s work),…

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This Week

I’m happy. Things have never been busier – with work and at home. Sleep and cooking for myself have taken a backseat. But I’m happy. And that’s all that matters.…

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This Week

This week was uneventful. This weekend is anything but. A bad cold rendered me useless for most of the week. I managed to make it to a Rumble class, hosted…

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Do You Need A Doula?

If there’s one regret I have in my time as a mother, it’s not exploring having a doula during Rho’s birth.  Here’s why. I had a textbook hospital delivery, with…

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