My Favorite Jumpsuit

The days I don’t stick to my routines are…well, not pretty.

Yesterday was one of those days. Here’s how it went down, and the two things that got me back on track:


6:00 a.m – alarm goes off. Instead of turning it off and walking straight to the bathroom, I hit snooze and go back to bed. Repeat until 6:45, when I just turn off the alarm.

7:30 a.m – hear Rho cry. Actually get out of bed, brush teeth, and head downstairs. Sri is on the case, and I need caffeine. Lots of caffeine.

7:45 a.m – fall down the blog/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram hole while drinking my first and second cups of coffee and playing with Rho. Attempt to read the paper. Fail.

9 a.m – make eggs for Rho and myself. Watch Lady Gaga and Beyoncé’s Super Bowl performances. Tell myself I should work out. I won’t.

10 a.m – Naleeni arrives and I head upstairs. I listen to my interview on Style Girlfriend while rearranging the clothes in my closet. Shower, put hair in topknot, and apply a little makeup.

11 a.m – At my desk. Fall down another social media black hole. Start clearing out my inboxes and responding to urgent e-mails.


1 p.m – OMFG Betsy DeVos was actually confirmed. Spend the next hour on Twitter and Facebook…again.

2 p.m – remember that I have yet to eat lunch. Heat up dinner leftovers and try to read the paper again (another fail). Watch YouTube videos instead – Lydia Elise Millen is a new favorite.

2:45 p.m – go offline to color. Ask Mackenzie to snap pictures (sad, but true). Color for 15 minutes while listening to the Rilo Kiley station on Spotify. Not bad – not bad at all.

3:00 p.m – feeling focused, I go back to the desk and get to work. Finish writing this post and Thursday’s, work on my new site content doc, and crank through my e-mail.


6:00 p.m – leave my phone in the bedroom, and head to the kitchen. Cook dinner with my dad (Kolhapuri chicken and rice), and eat while enjoying a glass of wine.

7:30 p.m – read books with Rho (Three Ninja Pigs, Yummy Yucky, and Goodnight Darth Vader are his current favorites) and put him to bed. Go back to the computer to finish this post. End up on Twitter for another hour.

9:00 p.m – get ready for bed and crawl into bed. Read. Sleep.

How do you get back on track when you start your day on the wrong foot? COMMENT below and let me know!

P.S. – you can see more of my go-to outfits here (and follow me on Instagram, if you’re not already).

more casual jumpsuits