This Week

This Week 69

While I wish my 2015 started off differently (read – NOT bedridden with a severe cold), it did remind me of one important lesson.

Shit happens and will change all your plans.

So while I had planned to start my year cooking healthy meals, getting my tush to the gym, and reading more books, I spent it shuffling from bed to couch, box of tissues in hand, attempting to read. But usually sleeping.

Life, you have a quite a sense of humor.

I’m spending this week in hardcore planning mode for the year on all fronts – startup, this website, family, personal development. I also have a long overdue hair appointment and a few meetings on deck. I’m spending my weeknights hibernating at home with my fireplace and a pile of books, and this weekend we’re meeting Olivia’s new pup Batman and heading up to Connecticut to visit Julia and her man.

Balanced weeks like these are my favorites. And now to the important things.

  • I’m a nicer and more thoughtful person when I meditate. And because I want to be more of that (versus irritable and kind of selfish), I’ve been using these meditation tips and Buddhify to practice mindfulness every day. Highly recommend both, especially if you’re a novice meditator like me.
  • Forget trying to have it all – the phrase itself has a complicated origin.
  • Aaron Sorkin – incredible screenwriter, and seemingly a misogynist. What a shame. Like Lucie, I refuse to give up on watching old episodes of The West Wing.
  • Since I’m a few months away from enjoying a cocktail (this margarita is at the top of my list), I’ll be drinking my way through these mocktail recipes.
  • 13 things we learned about travel from Star Wars. My nerdy heart nearly exploded from happiness after reading this.
  • Joseph Gordon-Levitt is the newest member of the trophy husbands club.

Have a wonderful week!