This Week

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So much for balance.

With the end of the year looming, I’ve been cramming my days with meetings, dinners, events, and the like. Part of it has to do with being invited to really cool things and WANTING to attend.

And part of it is fitting in as much as possible before my third trimester (and utter exhaustion, I’m told) hits. Which is next month.

Thus, I’ve pulled an Amy Poehler and have said “Yes Please” to everything that comes my way. I compensate by blocking off one day a week to lie in bed, read books, and watch mindless drivel on television.

It’s not ideal, but it works.

My parents came into town this week to get a head start on baby shopping (so far, this is the only item I’ve purchased for our child). I also did an interview with one of my favorite podcasts, caught up with Carrie over Mexican food and football, and got my bum back in the gym. I’m wrapping up the week with a photo shoot with Hudson+Bleecker (one of my new consulting clients!) and a dinner double date with Julie and the husbands.

And sleep. Lots of sleep.

To the links!

  • 5 things successful people do to end their days right. I need to do ALL of these.
  • Portland is high on my “places to go” list, thanks to Grace’s travel diary.
  • These octogenarians are the coolest, most inspiring people ever.
  • I completely agree with this author - conscientiousness is the most important trait in a spouse, and it’s been hugely impactful on my career.
  • If you haven’t grabbed Amy Poehler’s new book, this interview will give you 20 reasons to do so.
  • Sex. Drugs. Words?

Last chance to enter the Gemvara giveaway! $500 goes a long way for the perfect piece of fine jewelry. Also, be a pal and fill out this survey for my startup, if you haven’t already.

Thank you. Gracias. Merci. Dhanyavaad. Shukrya. Danke. You rock.