You Need To Know About…Zady

you-need-to-know-about-zadySoraya and Maxine-- approved for press

If you’re strolling through the Delta terminal in LaGuardia during the holiday season, your eyes may deceive you as you find yourself drawn to a shop filled with stylish clothes, beautiful bags, and one-of-a-kind gifts.  The shop is Zady, and they’re leading the charge of the conscious consumer movement.  Make sure to save room in your bag, because you’ll need it.  You’ll want everything.

Zady (pronounced “zay-dee”) is my new favorite online shop.  Not only are the items timeless and unique, they’ve also been vetted to ensure that the quality is high, from the raw materials to the production of the finished good.  Not only will these items last for decades in your wardrobe, but a portion of your payment will go to The Bootstrap Project, which works to promote and retain centuries-old crafts & customs around the world (as stated in the Zady website).  Stylish AND charitable?  Zady does it, and does it well.

Things on my Zady shopping list include these skinny sweatpants (SO perfect for my frequent long flights), this classic striped t-shirt, a sweet-smelling rose candle, and this sweatshirt (for the husband, but I’d steal it constantly).

Note – this is not a sponsored post.  I just really love the mission and the products offered by Zady, and supporting fellow female-led businesses.  More things You Need To Know About here.

photograph courtesy of Zady