How To: Deal With A Blown Out Tire

Confession – one of my greatest fears was my car tire blowing out while driving on a highway.

Said fear turned true today, en route to Amherst with my father.

After driving over a particularly heinous pothole on I-287 N (about 0.4 miles from exit 40 in Whippany, FYI), the Babe’s (the family Lexus) hazard lights began flashing, as did the “low tire pressure” alert.  We immediately pulled over and tried to refill the tire, to no avail.

My father throws his wallet to me and tells me to call AAA.  And starts pacing.

I’m left to deal with this situation.  Fabulous.  Here’s how I dealt:

  1. Called AAA, while searching for the nearest Lexus dealership to tow the car to (Poynt on the BlackBerry and AroundMe on the iPhone are the best apps for this)
  2. Called specified dealership.  Explained the situation and requested a service consultant, who I explained the situation and e-mailed pictures of the specific tire to.  He ordered the tire from the warehouse so it could get replaced ASAP.
  3. Tow truck arrived.  Had your AAA card, license, and registration in hand ASAP so you can get to work.
  4. Got to said dealership.  Worked on computer with complimentary WiFi while car was repaired.
  5. Paid exorbitant fee for car repair.  Hit the road.
  6. Convince father you deserve an iPad for all your hard work in managing the situation (I’m still trying to accomplish this).

Other helpful hints: keep a AAA card in your car’s glove compartment and AAA’s number saved in your cellphone.  Speak calmly when talking to all service representatives.  And when the service consultants offer you the use of a car to grab lunch, do not hesitate to say yes and hit up the Taco Bell across the street (I am still regretting this opportunity).

And may this never happens to you.