Health On The Go: Cold Remedies

Much like a good amount of the US of A, I’m saddled with my seasonal sinus infection. A sniffly, congested mess, I am happy to be home but desperately need to recover before my 10-day trip to Pittsburgh, Boston, Amherst, and Chicago (and no, I haven’t even started packing!)

Oh well. At least the infection hit AFTER my final. The last thing I needed during those 50 questions of torture would’ve been a scratchy throat.

When I’m sick, I rely on a mix of drugs (the good pharma VP I am) and comforts. The second I see the warning signs, I reach for the Mucinex and OD on Emergen-C to keep it at bay. I also get some antibiotics if the cold progresses to a full-blown sinus disaster (which it almost always does). Salt water gargles (every hour) soothe my sore throat, and if I can’t manage the gargle, I stock up on salt-and-vinegar chips I swear by these flavored Kettle Chips when I’m sick (and even if I’m healthy); the salty and vinegary flavors feel like they chip away at the mucuous lining my throat, giving my voice back.

And I rest. 10 hours of sleep a night. Lying in bed to watch junk and read books, not doing emails or studying lectures, is a must.

Rest, drugs, and salt-and-vinegar chips. You’ll be feeling better in no time

Real Housewives is on. Time to indulge in some brain candy and hit the sack for a lovely 9 hours of sleep.