TV To Talk About

I am so ready for fall for a multitude of reasons: football season, leaves changing color, the return of coats and scarves (hello, old friends), crisp weather, pumpkins…

…and the return of TV shows.

Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy summer’s reality-filled television season (plus USA and ABC Family delivered with Pretty Little Liars, Royal Pains, and Covert Affairs), but I am SO ready for the return of my old favorites.

Gossip Girl.  Ooh la la!


GLEE.  Enough said.


Modern Family.  I watched the entire first season over 3 days this summer, and have been itching for the return of a family that makes mine look normal.


As far as the newcomers this season, these are the ones I have my eye on:

Outsourced.  Loved the movie, and I think I will love the show.


Hellcats – caught last week’s season premiere.  A Bring It On knock-off that I am not opposed to recording on my DVR (we all need a little spirit fingers in our lives)
