The Hit List – October 2013

the hit list october 2013Impressively (for me) was how little I spent last month, with regards to shopping.  I invested in a new MM LaFleur dress (that I can’t get enough of) and picked up a few steals.  This hair masque has been a savior for the change in climate, and this cheeky notepad makes my to-do lists a bit more exciting.  Anyone else can’t get enough Candy Crush Saga?  Just me?  (You can tell me – I’m currently stuck on level 134).  I picked up the Cousins War series after a long hiatus, and breezed through the books during my spare moments while in Italy.  Could. Not. Put. Them. Down.  Another travel savior – these greens packets from David Kirsch.  I miss my morning green smoothie when I’m traveling, and these were a nice substitute to have.  While we’re having some trouble getting into Breaking Bad (still stuck on season 1), my husband and I blew through the first season of Doctor Who.  It’s a treat for sci-fi geeks like us.  Christmas came early for me this year – not only did my in-laws give me an upgraded MacBook Air, my parents gifted me the camera lens I’ve been eyeing since I first shot with Kat.  Hands down, my two favorite presents EVER (thank you, mamas and papas!)

What new discoveries did you make last month?  Any new items, apps, or books you loved?  SHARE it below – I’d love to know!