Football Phan

– Retro Sport tee (love this sweatshirt version), Rugby Ralph Lauren blazer, 7FAM jeans,
Urban Outfitters purse (old), Spike The Punch necklace, beanie via Amazon, vintage boots –

 When my husband and I first met, he was confused as to why, on Sundays, there would be a 3-hour long block where I would be completely unavailable.  No responds to texts, no answer to his calls, no replies to his e-mails…

I was, obviously, watching football.

After a few weeks of his confusion and my fanaticism, we worked out a method where I sent him “do not disturb Hitha” appointments on his Google calendar during the Eagles’ games.  It’s worked for us, and while catching the games have been a greater challenge while living in NYC (definitely investing in the NFL Network next year), I’m still a member of the faithful (and nutso) Eagles fans.

Even though this season sucks.

E-A-G-L-E-S, baby.