This Week

This week was incredible.

In some ways, it was a week like any other. I hunkered down and got a lot of work done, spent quite a bit of time with my family, and my attempts to sleep 7 hours a night was successful.

But it had its extraordinary moments as well. Namely, seeing Hillary Clinton and hearing her speak at The Wing on Tuesday night.

I’ll spare you all the feelings (you can read more here), but hearing her speak on Tuesday night recharged me like no other. I thought I would be sad or wishing the election had a different outcome (I still do, for the record). But I left the room inspired, motivated, and ready to roll up my sleeves and do the work for a better America.

It’s going to be a lot of work. It is. But I’m ready to do it, and I hope you are too.

Some other highlights of the week – shooting a project for CALIA with my mother, getting a first look at Nomad Lane’s new carry-on bag (spoiler alert – it’s incredible), and chopping my hair. My husband and I are going to the ballet tonight (Anna Karenina, performed by the Eifman company – my Russophile heart is so happy). I have a dear friend’s baby shower tomorrow, and I fly out to San Francisco on Monday.

Always on the go. That’s me.

In case you missed it…

Did you know I have a newsletter? I do – the next one goes out tomorrow. Every week, I alternate between one random thing that I love, and one news topic (and the links you should read) that’s on my mind. It’s brand-new content that I love writing, and I hope you’ll love reading as well. If that sounds up your alley, scroll down and sign up. I would love to know what you think.

Have a wonderful weekend!

photo by Joanna Nix on Unsplash