How-To: Kick Jetlag

Fact: there is no miracle pill or remedy to recover from jetlag – but there are some tried-and-true tips that have helped me get back to my regularly programmed life after a long journey.  Here’s what I did yesterday, my first full day back from Russia:

Diet – After indulging in the mayonnaise and sour cream-laden Russian cuisine, I’m filling up on water-rich fruits and vegetables (hydrating and detoxifying), numerous cups of hot water with lemon, and fiber-rich grains (quinoa and steel-cut oats).  The more natural and raw foods you eat, the quicker your body recovers from your food spree.  Taking probiotic supplements and enzymes during the trip also helps keep your digestive system balanced – and prevents you from having to track down Pepto-Bismol in a foreign country.

Sleep – Try your best to get back to your normal schedule – go to bed as close as you can to your normal bedtime, and buffer in an hour or two of extra sleep for your wake-up time.  Avoid naps, if you can – they do more harm than good.  Opt for yoga or a walk if you need an afternoon pick-me-up.  Or in my case, a golf lesson.

Pamper – I’m getting a blow-out at my beloved Drybar as I type this post – and feel like a million bucks.  Here’s the rationale behind getting a pampering treatment: the gentle massage that accompanies a blow out, manicure, pedicure, or full-blown massage increases circulation in your body, which can take a hit after a long flight.  Plus freshly painted nails, glossy hair, or deknotted shoulders offer up the look/feel good double whammy.

Exercise – Like a pampering treatment, exercise gets your blood flowing and stretches joints stiffened after a long flight.  Use your personal judgment for the exercise – sometimes I feel like yoga, other times a run.  Yesterday I went with this Amanda Russell workout and a golf lesson.

How do you recover from jetlag?  Share your tips in the comments below.