Green Curry with Chicken

Prior to visiting Thailand, I never cared for curry.  My Thai food orders were limited to Pad Thai, Tom Yum Soup, and always a side of peanut sauce

After inhaling my husband’s order of green curry on our first night in Sukhothai, I was a goner.  The secret to a great green curry is using full-fat coconut milk.  There’s nothing worse than watery curry, and that’s what you’ll get by trying to skimp on the fat and calories.  Just don’t do it.

This dish, though – make it with this recipe.  You will thank me.  Your thighs may not.

Green Curry with Chicken

Thai Green Curry with Chicken
Serves 1

1 chicken breast, sliced
3 small Japanese eggplants, chopped
1 stem of sweet basil leaves
1 steam of kefir lime leaves
1-2 red chiles or jalapenos, sliced
1 tablespoon green curry paste
1 can of coconut milk (separate the cream and the milk during prep)
1 teaspoon of palm sugar
3 teaspoons of fish sauce


1. Saute the green curry paste with a teaspoon and a half of oil (vegetable or grapeseed) until fragrant, over medium heat
2. Whisk in coconut milk and continue whisking until blended
3. Add eggplant and cook until tender
4. Add chicken and cook until it is white
5. Add fish sauce and sugar in small increments until flavor is of your preference
6. Bring the curry to a simmer.  Add the basil leaves, chili, and kefir lime leaves and let it cook for 5-10 minutes.
7. Before serving, remove from heat and add cream from coconut milk.  This adds the much-needed creaminess to the curry.
8. Serve with rice.