The Hit List – February 2013

I’m debuting a new series on le blog today.  I know, I know – another one?

But it’s my blog, and I’ll write what I want to.

The Hit List is my way to share my favorites of each month, in a myriad of topics.  Since I’ve been Hitha-In-One-Place as of late, I don’t have any new travel items to share, but I’ve tackled the usual topics of the blog – food, fashion & beauty, and some time-saving tricks.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on it – and if there’s anything else you’d love to read on Hitha On The Go!

The Hit List February 2013

Vitamix blender
Jade Deco Cuff – Love Pendant
Organic Food Bars – Chocolate Chili Chai
Simple Skincare WipesNaked Eye Palette